Framed Prints

These fine art prints are framed in carefully selected, reclaimed frames, each with its own unique history and character. The combination of fine art and salvaged frames creates a distinctive piece where no two are the same. Each work merges artistic expression with sustainability, offering something personal and timeless.

Pieces are located in Adelaide, South Australia.
When ready to purchase, click on the button next to the desired frame and we will reach out via email to arrange delivery and send an invoice.

Remembrance - SOLD

Monarto, South Australia

Height: 64cm
Length: 55cm
Price: $399AUD

To The Mountains
That Breathe

Padangbai, Bali

Height: 88cm
Length: 74cm
Price: $599AUD

The Long Walk

Dingle, Ireland

Height: 38.5cm
Length: 34cm
Price: $149AUD

Sweater Weather

Slieve League, Ireland

Height: 34cm
Length: 38.5cm
Price: $149AUD


Adelaide, South Australia

Height: 50cm
Length: 68cm
Price: $299AUD